in spanish
ESMOVIA is a Spanish company located in Valencia that organizes training experiences in mobility aimed at students and teachers from all over Europe. We mainly offer internships in companies, as well as Spanish courses, seminars, study visits and professional development courses, all of that through European programs such as Erasmus+ or the European Social Fund.
Also, we actively participate in European projects based around the exchange of good practices and innovation development. We are experts in the areas of training and mobility, training in work centres, employability, professional training, entrepreneurship, and the development of digital and transversal competencies.
Year after year, many European organizations, such as vocational training centers, secondary schools, universities, public organizations, and associations, trust ESMOVIA, to complete their mobility projects and traineeships in Spain.

Training Mobility for European students and teachers
At a local level, we collaborate with a network of over 600 public and private Valencian companies, that host students during their training internships in companies. These organizations also welcome us in their facilities during the study visits. This way we guarantee that all of our participants will acquire both technical and linguistic competencies.
Professional development courses for teachers
We organize professional development courses for European teachers about the last trends in methodologies and technologies applied to training and learning.

This city is the ideal destination for your internship: a Mediterranean town, full of light, green, creative and very lively. Here you will be able to enjoy the sun and the gastronomical experience, as well as unique architecture that will captivate you from the very first time.

Spanish courses
Learning languages is essential nowadays for our professional development. Studying in Spain will allow you to get to know the Spanish language, one of the most spoken languages in the world, opening so many doors for you at a personal and professional level.
Trust ESMOVIA for your internship in a Spanish company
We are a group of people committed to professionalism, and we offer the best of our experience to guarantee the success of your work experience in Spain. Contact us and we will provide you with the details you may need.
Available hosting
Professional development
courses for teachers


European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education Training (EFVET)

European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA)

Valencian Association of Young Entrepreneurs (AJEV)

Association of Small and Middle Entreprises and professionals of Paterna

Higher Technical Institute for Logistics in Apulia (Italy)

Valencian Association of Travel Agencies (AEVAV)