Second meeting of KA2 Erasmus+ yees «Youth entrepreneurship and employment support” project in Oporto

Last 5 and 6 of July the second meeting of KA2 Erasmus+ YEES “Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Support” took place in Oporto (Portugal).
The YEES project is funded by the Spanish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, and promoted by IES Sant Vicent Ferrer of Algemesí (Valencia) with the aims of foster cooperation between the Vocational Education Systems and the world of work and promote the inclusion of youngsters in the labour market in an effective way using social media and crowdsourcing based tools.
During these 2 days, project partners discussed about the different activities connected with Intellectual Outputs carried out so far and those to be carried out in the next months. In particular the Guides for Teachers and Trainers were presented as well as the MOOC based training course “Social Media for New Jobs”. All partners were also involved in a common discussion about the Crowdsourcing platform that will be developed in the next months.
ESMOVIA is a supporting partner of the project committed to the dissemination of results. More information on the project can be found in: