WWW – We Welcome Work
Number of project
Support programme
Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for Vocational Training and Education.
The project aims at providing young people with non formal education opportunities for acquiring digital skills, enhancing employability and entrepreneurship in order to support their transition from school to the job market and achieve a better match between skills and companies’ needs.
The general aim will be achieved through:
- Creating synergies between teachers, students and companies to better meeting the job demands in terms of skills and competences
- Creating a database of resources and equipping teachers and school councillors with interactive tools to evaluate students’ competences and offering career orientation
- Involving students in interactive training session and creating a free interactive training programme about job simulation
- Developing youth’s transversal skills and competences through practical activities
- Involving companies in delivering practical sessions and giving testimonials
- Technical College «Alexandru Ioan Cuza», Romania – Promoter
- ESMOVIA, Spain – Partner
- Fundatia EuroEd, Romania – Partner
- Private Institute Emphasys Centre, Cyprus – Partner
- Ingenious Knowledge, Germany – Partner
- PIXEL Associazione Culturale, Italy – Partner
- CIPAT, Italy – Partner
Project outcomes
- Database of the most required jobs for young people
- Collection of best practices to bridge the gap between education and employment
- Toolkit for teachers and school counsellors
- Online Apprenticeship Simulator
- Motivational practices and videos from companies
Our role
As a partner of the project, ESMOVIA will contribute to the creation of the project outputs, and will be actively involved in the dissemination and exploitation of project results.
Project web
#DigitalSkills #Employability #SocialMedia #VET
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.