Experience 9 noviembre 2022

MASYMO – MAnagement SYstem for MObility

This article has been updated here

MASYMO (MAnagement SYstem for MObility) is a managing software created ad hoc by ESMOVIA to better organise the mobilities of our students and teachers.

MASYMO was created to meet all the needs that we have identified during the years while organizing mobilities. It has been developed to smooth the organizational process both from the side of ESMOVIA and from the side of our sending partners, and to collect all the information in one single place.

All the mobility stakeholders (sending organization, participants and ESMOVIA) are invited to make their part by adding the requested information on the platform, starting from the participants list, flight details, CVs… among other information.

MASYMO is the perfect assistant for the mobility, making life easier for sending organisations, participants and ESMOVIA staff.

With the help of MASYMO, the sending organizations can:

  • Easily register their participants
  • Assign the flight details to any participant
  • Follow the participants’ progress while filling in their application form online

Participants to mobility projects organised by ESMOVIA will be able to:

  • Fill in their application form online including their CV, passport photo, ID, but also their food needs as well as their professional and education experience and internship preferences.

ESMOVIA staff also benefits from MASYMO’s features as it has been developed in such a way that it can generate all the necessary mobility documents in just a few seconds:

  • Budget proposal
  • Financial agreement
  • Information voucher
  • Internship contract
  • Language certificates
  • Mobility certificates: internship, professional development course, professional visit, job shadowing…
  • Final report

In this way, we minimize any organizational errors, centralizing all the data in one place.

Now we are all ready for Valencia !