Final meeting of KA2 Erasmus+ Work Based Learning 2.0 – WBL 2.0.

On the 4th and 5th of October 2018 ESMOVIA hosted in Valencia the last transnational meeting of the KA2 project Work Based Learning – WBL 2.0.
During the 2 years project the partners worked on one intellectual output and two supplementary results with the aim of enhancing the cooperation between VET providers and companies and prevent demotivation of the trainees caused by the lack of practical application of what they learn.
In the first part of the meeting the partners discussed the last details connected with the 3 project’s outcomes:
- Repository of E-learning Video Lessons and interviews about web design and social media market delivered by managers and experts.
- Online platform for the organisation and management of virtual internships.
- Easy-to-use guidelines and tools for the organisation and management of international placements.
While reviewing wat has been done until now on the online platform some improvements were suggested by the partners in order to make it easier and faster for all the users to find the information they are looking for.
A special attention was dedicated also to the Intellectual Output of the project – a repository of e-learning videos of interviews and testimonials. The number of videos that was foreseen by the project has been reached and the translation process into all the languages of the partners of the project can be considered almost done.
The partners dedicated time focusing on the budget of the project as the final report is getting closer. A detailed presentation and explication of the documents that have to be uploaded on the online platform and rules of filling in each section of the financial report has been explained.
The 2 days meeting ended with a general satisfaction of the partners about the work done during these 2 years, expressing a good feeling about the collaboration between the partners and the quality of the outcomes of the projects, finishing the reunion with the positive conclusion that we are in line with the expected results.