From the 27th of August till the 2nd of September ESMOVIA has participated in the transnational training within the DigiNet project “Digitalization and Social media for adult employment”. DigiNet is a Strategic Partnership for Adult education project, funded by the Erasmus+ program, that aims at foster employability and entrepreneurship of adult learners by using social media and ICT for the creation of e-enterprise for an effective access to the job market.
The blended mobility was hosted in Athens, Greece by our Greek partner Electronic Compass and addressed to 25 adults learners from the 5 participant countries.
As already decided in the transnational meeting in Bulgaria, the training has been organized by sharing the tasks and responsibilities between the partners. During the training ESMOVIA was in charge of presenting the video interview made to the Spanish company “Limón y Merengue”, deciding the sectors of the e-enterprises that the working teams had to create, as well as organizing the icebreaking activities in order for the participants to know each others better.
The training has been structured as follows:
- Introduction to social media identity and real examples of companies from each partner countries dealing with creating, monitoring and maintaining digital identity for e-business and analyzing its strategy;
- Creation of the teams by company sector: restaurant, art and fashion.
- Creation of the e-enterprise with name, logo, claim, customers and products;
- Creation of a web page of the e-enterprise;
- Creation of 3 social media (Instagram, Facebook and Tweeter) of the e-enterprise.
During the training some icebreaking activities have been organized as well an intercultural evening and a cultural activity to discover the city.
The training has been completed successfully by all the participants and a participation certificate has been issued.
To know more, visit the project website: http://www.diginet-project.eu
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DigiNet-351516668605177/