Professional development courses
In ESMOVIA we offer a great variety of training experiences – professional seminars and study visits – aimed at school education staff, teaching and non-teaching. We also provide professional development courses that are an ideal way for European teaching staff to be up to date with the latest methodologies and also with the most innovative technologies applied to training and learning.
These courses are taught by experts on the matter with an eminently practical and interactive approach.
European teachers
They are aimed mainly at teachers, headmasters and the rest of staff in nursery, primary, secondary and adult education centers, as well as vocational education and training teachers.
These courses are specially indicated for those who want to update their knowledge in a multicultural environment.
All of our courses are taught in English and as they welcome teaching staff from all over Europe, they guarantee the exchange of good practices amongst peers from different countries, promoting interculturality and personal enrichment.
Courses rich in experiences
Professional development courses generally have a duration of 1 week split into 4 sessions in the classroom plus one last session visiting an education center.
We always enjoy moments of socializing amongst participants, such as a visit to Valencia’s historic center, as well as a farewell recreational activity.
We also offer customizable courses with regards to duration, dates and topics.
Course catalogue
Our catalogue of courses is constantly evolving according to the last trends regarding education and training, always trying to provide innovative contents.
Click below on each course title to download the program, check available dates, and make a booking.
New technologies
I.C.T. for Teaching and Learning
Educative Robotics and Coding with Arduino
Artificial Intelligence for Teachers
Innovative methodologies
4 C’s Creative, Collaborative, Critical and Communicative Teachers!
STEAM Education and Entrepreneurship
Gamification in the Classroom
Personal and professional development
Team Strength: Teambuilding, Groupwork & Leadership
Wellbeing for School Staff: Mindfulness & Practical Yoga
SESS-Strategies for Emotional Success in the School
8 Practical Cases in Conflict Management in the Classroom
Inclusion in the classroom
Interculturality in Education
Inclusive Methodologies in the Classroom
Teaching languages
Back to the Basics: Intensive English Language Course